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momentix labs






     co-designer, manufacture



       micro Kickstarter 2020

       at home building guide





the makerKit was launched in early 2020 as part of Kickstarter's make100 campaign. 132 backers led us to make over 150 kits ourselves using a 4ft x 8ft CNC, a band saw, and a belt sander to make 7,000+ pieces. 


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The makerKit is the first product from Momentix Toys and served as a beta testing kit to develop the idea of a building set specifically for chain reaction machines

see saw.jpg
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free pulley.jpg
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flat lever 1.jpg
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the makerKit mechanisms focus on functionality and act more like an traditional building kit when compared to the motionKit. Although versatile, we found these mechanisms to be too many movements to built and too open ended, which led us towards the motionKit design of minimal pieces and more limited maneuvers.

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pipecleaner pulley.jpg
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see more clips on our Kickstarter page

what comes in a kit

What's in a kit diagram-01.png
What's in a kit diagram-02.png
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testing feedback and observation on the makerKit idea booklet revealed that photos of machines facilitated more play than instructions featuring sketched or CAD rendered images. This informed our decision to make the motionKit challenge booklet photo based. 

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